Home > Roofing Services Blog > Why You Should Leave Roofing Projects to the Pros

When it comes to home improvement or repair, there are some projects that are good candidates for a DIY approach, and others that should really be left to the pros. Roofing projects, whether it’s a small repair or a full-scale replacement, fall firmly into the second category. In this article, our experts at Slippery Slope Roofing will go over a few reasons why you should leave all your roofing jobs to professionals like ourselves.

leave all your roofing jobs to professionals like ourselves

  • DIY Won’t Always Save You Money- One of the most popular reasons to attempt a roofing project on your own is to save money on labour. In our experience at Slippery Slope Roofing, these hoped-for savings almost never make it into reality. Not only will the average homeowner’s inexperience lead to mistakes and delays compared to the efficiency of the pros, but professional roofers are able to buy materials at wholesale prices from the beginning.
  • DIY Doesn’t Come with a Warranty- Another reason to choose professional roofers for your roofing needs is that most companies offer a warranty on their work. This means that if anything was installed improperly or the work doesn’t hold up for the guaranteed amount of time, the company will fix it for free. Doing it yourself offers no such guarantees, meaning it’s actually a bigger financial risk.
  • DIY is Dangerous- If for no other reason, we at Slippery Slope Roofing encourage you to enlist professional roofers to protect your own safety. Trained professionals have the right equipment and know the right steps to do the job as safely as possible, and amateurs shouldn’t even try.
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